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Silver Surge. Fuel Cells Outpace Solar in Silver Demand by 5 Times.

Total demand for Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars, trucks, vans, ships, barges, yachts, ferries, boats, and HVAC could be 5 Times Greater than Silver in Solar Panels. Summa Silver High Grade Silver Discovery.

The total demand for Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars, trucks, vans, ships, barges, yachts, ferries, boats, home and commercial HVAC is projected to surpass Silver’s demand in Solar Panel Sector.

Does Silver’s use in hydrogen fuel cells surpass Silver’s use in solar?

The projections say YES and by a long shot.

By 2027 or sooner, Silver’s use in Fuel Cells is likely to be 5 times greater than is used in producing Solar panels.

Here’s why?

Silver Revolution in Hydrogen Fuel Cells. Toyota and Stanford Demonstrate How Strategic Corporate and Collegiate Partnerships Yield Consumer ROI.

Researchers at Stanford’s SLAC National Accelerator Lab and Toyota have transformed hydrogen fuel cells by replacing expensive platinum group metals with more cost-effective Silver.

This breakthrough in silver technology is projected to surpass the demand for Silver in solar applications by 2026.

Widespread Applications for Silver in Hydrogen Technology

Industries such as automotive, home HVAC, commercial HVAC, and energy are adopting Silver in fuel cells due to higher consumer demand than projected solar usage.

In addition to cars, trucks, and vans, incorporating Silver in fuel cells for ships, barges, ferries, yachts, boats, commercial and residential HVAC further amplifies its consumption.

Arbitrage Play of the Century – 97% Move.

In the history of precious metals reporting, we’ve never experienced this kind of margin, and this is the largest flashing BUY SILVER SIGNAL OF THE CENTURY.

Silver, being 97% cheaper than platinum, made fuel cell production affordable, whereas just months ago, it was a dead dog, but now an energy dream come true.

This innovation aims to significantly reduce manufacturing costs, making fuel cells practical and accessible for broad implementation.

Advantages of Silver in Fuel Cells

Silver’s role as a catalyst in fuel cells offers benefits such as cost reduction, effective catalysis, easier chemical mix and yields clean, sustainable, and efficient transportation.

This technology addresses challenges associated with traditional gasoline and battery-powered electric vehicles, making it a promising alternative for heavy-duty applications like cars, trucks, vans, ships, boats, barges, yachts ferries, homes, and buildings.

Towards Greener Transportation and Energy

Silver-based fuel cells mark a significant stride in adopting hydrogen fuel cell technology, contributing to the decarbonization of transportation and the shift towards environmentally friendly power sources.

Silver Genie is Out of the Bottle. Stanford and Toyota’s Silver Breakthrough and European Contagion

  • France is making strides in the adoption of hydrogen technology. The country will construct 100 hydrogen stations and deploy 5,000 hydrogen-powered light commercial vehicles, including taxis, by 2023.
  • Additionally, France plans to have 200 hydrogen-powered heavy vehicles, such as trucks, buses, and boats, within the same timeframe.
  • The expansion of hydrogen cars is more expansive than in France, as more European cities are set to introduce these vehicles.
  • This effort is part of the Zero Emission Fleet Vehicles for European Roll-out (ZEFER) project.
  • ZEFER is set to launch 180 hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, including police cars, private-hire vehicles, and taxis, in major European cities like London, Brussels, Paris, and Madrid.
  • Madrid aims explicitly to replace at least 1,000 combustion cabs with fuel cell taxis as part of this initiative.


Summa Silver Announces Additional High-Grade Discovery at the Hughes Project, Nevada; Commences Drilling at the Mogollon Project, New Mexico

Vancouver, December 7th, 2023 – Summa Silver Corp. (TSXV:SSVR) (OTCQX:SSVRF) (Frankfurt:48X) announces the discovery of a new high-grade vein zone in final assay results from the recently completed drill program at the Hughes Project in Nevada. In addition, the Company has commenced its drill program at the Mogollon Project in New Mexico. Approximately 2…

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23 days ago · MineralWEALTH VIP

Hydrogen-Powered Taxi Fleet In The Netherlands Has Covered 1.5 Million Km's  - FuelCellsWorks

Silver? In your taxi? You bet!

This shiny metal will become the unsung hero of a transportation revolution, powering silent, zero-emission taxis across Europe. And it’s all thanks to its incredible affordability – 97% cheaper than the platinum it’s replacing!

Let’s hit the gas (or instead, the hydrogen) and explore how silver is making waves in the world of clean mobility:

Toyota’s Taxi Takeover: Imagine gliding through Paris streets in a whisper-quiet Toyota Mirai, spewing nothing but clean water vapor.

Thanks to HysetCo, a company co-owned by Toyota and Air Liquide, 10,000 Parisian taxis are about to make that dream a reality. And guess what’s lurking under their hoods? Silver-powered fuel cells!

Hamburg’s Hydrogen Heroes: Not to be outdone, Hamburg’s Best Taxi is already cruising with a fuel cell Toyota Mirais fleet, proving that silver can handle even the busiest urban jungles. These taxis are living proof that clean air and a comfortable ride can go hand-in-hand.

Silver Fuel Cell Modules: Silver’s impact goes beyond taxis. Packed with this wonder metal, Toyota’s fuel cell modules are ready to power anything from buses to buildings. Imagine entire city blocks humming with clean, silent energy – that’s the silver revolution on the horizon!

Europe Leads the Charge: From Aberdeen to Ulsan, European cities are ditching diesel fumes for the pure bliss of hydrogen taxis. And guess what’s their secret weapon? You guessed it – silver! This affordable, abundant metal makes hydrogen mobility a reality, not just a dream.

Hailing the Silver-powered future: Your next Taxi ride runs on water (not gas!)

The next time you see a taxi gliding by, remember the silent hero within – silver. It’s not just a pretty metal anymore; it’s the key to a cleaner, quieter, and more sustainable future. Buckle up; the ride’s about to get smoother (and shinier)!

These are the top 40 markets for Taxis.

Let’s do some math starting with Taxis (because this is the first pilot roll-out)

Paris has nearly 18,000 licensed taxis, and the suburbs have an additional 25,000 VTC (Véhicule de Tourisme avec Chauffeur) vehicles, totaling around 43,000 taxi-like vehicles.

These top 20 markets (downtown areas do not counter the Greater Statistical Metropolitan Area) equals 66,500,000 people.

The estimate is that in these top urban areas, 1 out of 150 vehicles is a taxi, including suburbs.

This means that .67% of cars in these urban areas are taxis.

This means that for 66,500,000 vehicles, there are about 4.5 million taxis are possibly targeted for this pilot.

Taxis are commonly used because they are highly visible and rack up more miles than a typical consumer car. Just for taxis alone is an increase in silver demand of 1,378% (not counting cars, trucks, vans, ships, barges, yachts, ferries, boats, residential / commercial HVAC )

Comparing the tiny fraction of Taxis (like a pebble on the beach) relative to all the gas and diesel engines is a number north of 275,600% more silver than currently being used in this vertical.

By 2027 or sooner, Silver’s use in Fuel Cells is likely to be 10 times greater than is used in producing Solar panels.


The Silver Star Academy Research Project is in week 9

We’ve documented massive uses of silver previously unreported in these categories:

  • Military include bombs, nukes, shells, missiles, torpedoes, tanks, fighter jets, night vision goggles, drones, military communication and computers and the silver zinc batteries used. Coating, electroplating, switching, printed circuit boards and more.
  • Aerospace includes satellites, spacecraft, rockets, space stations and the silver zinc batteries needed.
  • Robots, The Rise of the Machines -Heavy Machinery.
  • Fuel Cell Cars, Trucks, Vans.
  • Fuel Cell Ships, Barges, Ferries, Yachts, Boats
  • Electric trains
  • Magnets used in Levitation
  • Magnetic Resonating (MRIs) Airport surveillance systems
  • AI
  • Streaming Platforms
  • Quantum Computing
  • Nuclear Energy such as ITER where one part used 5 tonnes of silver.
  • New Solar Technologies, double sided panels
  • Differentiating between PERC, TOPcon and Heterojunction HJT
  • High Tech Glass including Polymer Dispersed liquid crystal, LED, 3D engraving, window tinting
  • Lasers

and the other measly categories reported by USGS like photography, bandages, ink

Money Metals wins Silver Academy’s 2023 Bullion Dealer of the Year

Silver and Gold Bullion, A MUST BUY

What we recommend ASAP.

  • Withdraw as much money as possible from The Fractional Reserve Banking System. 
  • Do this strategically so BIG BROTHER Doesn’t label you a terrorist for withdrawing cash from the Banking Cabal.
  • Purchase 10% to 20% of your savings into Physical Gold 1-ounce bullion sourced from Money Metals.
  • NOT gold ETFs 
  • NOT GLD stock
  • NOT GLDJ stock
  • No individual gold mining plays right now (but soon you will want some sprinkled in, dollar cost average starting around Christmas when the bottom arrives)

Money Metals Sign Up Link, Win 50 Silver Eagles Promotion.

Click here to sign up for their suite of FREE services and win a chance at their monthly drawing of 50 American Silver Eagles.

Money Metals is The Global leader in reputation, customer service, storage, and all things related to Gold and silver investing.

We’ve been approached by over a dozen bullion dealers across the US and Europe and told them all we would be making our endorsement for 2023 and 2024. 

What’s funny is when I circled back to everyone and told them we selected Money Metals, almost all of them stated we made the right choice. 

Their owner, Stefan Gleason, is an industry leader because of his leadership and launching the Sound Money Defense League, which is working hard to make sure teachers, police, fire dept workers, EMTs, First Responders, healthcare care workers, and workers in general stand a chance to have their pensions protected from Wall Street bandits.

You will receive updates from The Sound Money Defense League when you enter your email here. Moreover, in history, when Gold and silver had more meaning monetarily (like we see with BRICS), this set off bull runs of 10 to 20 X; we could be minutes or months away from this explosion.

But it’s not just BRICS. The Sound Money Defense League is also working State by State (any State in the USA), whereby the SMDL is teaching legislators how it is absolutely their fiduciary responsibility is to hold part of their general fund in Gold.

After reviewing all proposals, combing through customer reviews, and other criteria, we ranked over a dozen bullion dealers based on price, service, user experience on their e-commerce platform, and reputation. 

Money Metals emerged as a clear winner.