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Central Bankers Plan Inflation, War, Refugees and Disease to Steal Everything

The globalist elites, together with the deep state and central banks, have been accused of orchestrating a deliberate collapse known as the “Great Reset.” Their alleged goal is to force people into poverty and dependence on a new digital currency, ultimately exerting control over every aspect of society. Advocates argue that the legal framework for this plan is already in place, while critics claim that governments are engaging in behavior that harms their citizens, including the use of war, uncontrolled immigration, climate change restrictions, and attacks on family values.

By all accounts, the Western system of unsustainable debt and money printing is nearing its end. In its stead, the ‘elites’, as described by proponents of this theory, aim to establish a new system of totalitarian control. This envisioned system includes digital currencies, surveillance, and a social credit system, where access to money is restricted based on behavior. They are even willing to go to extreme lengths, including instigating wars, pandemics, poverty, and food shortages, to ensure the populace accepts this new norm.

Those who subscribe to this narrative argue that central bankers and their clients – government elites, corporate elites, banking elites, and military elites – play a significant role in this agenda. They allegedly manipulate wars, engineered diseases, legislation against farming, and inflation to further their goals. These tactics are believed to contribute to economic inequality, as the wealthy elites profit from war and maintain control over the financial system, while the majority of the population suffers from the resulting misery, poverty, and wealth divide.

It is thus advised by some sources that individuals look into investing in timeless assets such as silver and gold, historically valued during times of authoritarian rule, to protect themselves from the future they foresee. This, they claim, can help safeguard against potential manipulations by the central banking system.

Undoubtedly, these claims and ideas have sparked considerable debate and controversy, inviting scrutiny and further examination of the global financial system. Central bankers’ alleged use of war to steal, the miseries caused by inflation leading to poverty, and the widening wealth divide are issues that cannot be ignored in today’s interconnected world.

The Role of Central Bankers and the Financial System

Central bankers, along with their clients such as government elites, corporate elites, banking elites, and military elites, play a significant role in the plan to crash the existing system and introduce the Central Bank Digital Currency. They manipulate wars, engineered diseases, legislation against farming, and inflation to further their agenda.

By engaging in central bank warfare, they aim to maintain control over the financial system and consolidate their power. This strategy involves creating economic turmoil through various means, such as initiating or prolonging wars, which not only result in human suffering but also serve as opportunities for war profiteering. These conflicts provide a vehicle for the elites to profit from weapons production, resource extraction, and international trade monopolies.

Additionally, central bankers employ the inflation tax as a weapon to erode the value of currencies, effectively transferring wealth from the middle and lower classes to the wealthy elites. The resulting economic inequality perpetuates a cycle of poverty and dependence, further solidifying the elites’ control and exacerbating societal divisions.

“Economic inequality is not an unfortunate byproduct of the current financial system; it is an intentional outcome perpetuated by central bankers and their clients.”
– David Williams, economist and author

This deliberate economic inequality enables the elites to maintain their position of power and influence over governments, institutions, and global affairs. It allows them to shape policies and regulations that serve their interests, creating a rigged system that benefits a select few at the expense of the majority.

One way to protect oneself from the detrimental effects of this central bank warfare and economic inequality is by diversifying investments into tangible assets like silver and gold. Throughout history, precious metals have served as a hedge against inflation and authoritarian rule, providing individuals with a decentralized store of wealth that cannot be manipulated by the financial elite.

Investment in Precious Metals: A Safeguard against Economic Manipulation

Silver and gold have long been recognized as reliable investments during times of financial uncertainty and economic upheaval. Their intrinsic value and limited supply make them a tangible asset that individuals can hold onto, free from the risks of central bank interference or inflationary pressures.

The data clearly demonstrates that silver and gold have consistently outperformed traditional financial assets, providing investors with a more stable and reliable investment option, especially during times of economic turmoil and central bank manipulation.

By diversifying investment portfolios with precious metals, individuals can protect themselves from the adverse effects of economic inequality, currency devaluation, and the actions of central bankers. This strategic approach allows for the preservation and growth of wealth in the face of an uncertain financial landscape.

Insights from David Webb’s Book “The Great Taking”

David Webb, a former financial industry professional, offers valuable insights into the financial system and its implications in his book “The Great Taking.” Through his research, Webb discovered the significant influence of the Federal Reserve on financial markets, where the creation of money often surpasses economic growth. He also observed a collapse in the velocity of money, echoing the challenges faced during the Great Depression and world wars.

Webb’s examination of securities law, central securities depositories, and the derivatives market reveals concerning changes that could potentially pave the way for a controlled collapse orchestrated by the most powerful financial institutions. To counteract these issues, Webb advocates for public control of central banking, simplification of the tax system, and legal opposition to the current financial constructs.

By emphasizing the need for public oversight and transparency in central banking, Webb aims to foster a better future where individuals are more informed and empowered in their financial decisions. The insights shared in “The Great Taking” shed light on the intricate workings of the financial system, encouraging readers to engage critically with the current state of affairs and to consider the long-term implications for their financial well-being.

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