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The Silver Academy > News > silver > The Silver Academy to Report on All the Metal Missing in Silver Institute’s so-called “World Silver Survey.”

The Silver Academy to Report on All the Metal Missing in Silver Institute’s so-called “World Silver Survey.”

The Silver Academy will merge its Global Silver Report with Silver Institute’s World Silver Survey.

Silver Academy to Publish Global Silver Report Late April 2024


Since October 2023, The Silver Academy has published 20 articles on Silver Use not reported by The Silver Institute.

These uses are:

  1. Military (bombs, shells, missiles, tanks, fighter jets, nukes, night vision goggles, communication devices, bullets, etc)
  2. Aerospace (satellites, rockets, spacecraft, lasers, drones, etc)
  3. Robotics and AI
  4. Heavy Machinery such as the ones used in heavy construction projects, mining, and the new project in New York tunneling between New Jersey and New York City
  5. Electric Trains (MagLev trains levitate through magnets, and Levitating trains fight friction. Electric trains also use Silver in printed circuit boards, switches, and other areas.)
  6. Hydrogen fuel cells ( cars, taxis, trucks, vans, ships, barges, ferries, yachts, boats, and HVAC) will surpass solar use possibly as early as 2027 since Silver kicked out platinum in the catalytic converter, Silver being 90 times cheaper.
  7. Then there are new solar panels whereby The Silver Institute didn’t bother to read the Specs written in Chinese. 
  8. There are three types: PERC, TOPCon, and HJT. Moreover, double-sided panels, such as the new installation in UAE, are double-sided (capturing UV bouncing off desert sand and polar ice), thus twice the Silver.
  9. Plus Magnetic Resonating (MRIs at hospitals, other medical equipment, airports)
  10. Superconductors and Quantum computers
  11. Use in nuclear power plants.
  12. Use in transformers (conventional power plants)

The fact that our small team just published 12 areas ignored by Silver Institute proves that we need to consume another source, and that is why we are publishing the Global Silver Report the day after The Silver Institute publishes their problematic World Silver Survey.

The Silver Institute has terrible data, so we are responding with the Global Silver Report, which will also discuss Silver inventories with a design intent to be infinitely more helpful for industry members, investors, and the overall information age.

Moreover, The Silver Academy’s Global Silver Report will tie in the following business and societal elements:

  • The environment
  • Labor movements
  • Government overreach (in the majority of cases)
  • Government under-reach (in some cases)
  • Subsidized silver jurisdictions
  • Illicit mining (such as the Ponderosa incident a week ago)
  • Artisan mining
  • E-waste mining

We are publishing a disclaimer that this isn’t pointing the finger (necessarily).

Perhaps the Silver Institute inherited a methodology from the USGS that led to their poor science and sent their research in the wrong direction. Anything’s possible.

Nevertheless, unfortunately, the Silver Institute’s inaccurate reporting yielded a massive miss in their findings year after year after year …(and the common theme in all their reports follows the prevailing theme of underestimating Global Silver Demand.)

When the demand picture is not accurately documented, this leads to defacto price suppression because the market has no idea of supply vs demand inventory.

It’s a big problem when commodities are not priced correctly. For example, when the Biden regime drained the Strategic Petroleum reserves before the mid-term elections (a stunt to fool the villagers into believing that gas wasn’t rising), this interfered with the free market while also putting the villagers at risk for the time when you need the reserves (War, Weather, BlackSwan)

When citizens and investors are misled about inventories, it is a combination of gaslighting, lousy science, laziness, and incompetence ( like asking your realtor for a list of inventory in any city in the USA and having no clue as to homes available for sale.)

Added to the Global Silver Survey (Missing from the The Silver Institute annual survey)

The extent to which the US Federal Reserve and their client governments and militaries dig in to fight Silver’s price discovery.

  • These data points will document paper silver transactions intended to smash down the silver price.
  • Proof of manipulation such as massive short selling, spoofing etc.
  • And links between bank board members and members of defense industry for purposes of reducing factory input pricing.

After all, The Federal reserve infect the population with inflation (paper out of thin air) i.e. issue their paper war bonds (US dollar), do not like competition, and fight it with the a five prong attack.

1.) Their client mainstream media sycophants.
2.) Taxation theft schemes.
3.) Use of police & military.
4.) Fractional Reserve banking.
5.) Issuing new debt and acting as “lender” and “buyer” of last resort. (Monetizing debt)

Now that the US dollar lost its gold peg in 1971 and its oil peg just months ago, the US dollar is buck naked, so expect the political class to launch more dastardly schemes to double down on their fiat tyranny.


Think of USD/XAU and USD/XAG as foreign exchange trade rather than commodity trade. What they’re fighting is not us. They’re fighting the perceived weakness of the dollar. By manipulating the price of metals down, the value of USD seems higher. If the price of Gold and Silver were allowed to float freely, everyone would see the true (actual/absolute) value of the dollar for what it is. Nothing

Missing Silver: Where Did It All Go? Global Probe Exposes Shocking New Uses in Military, Space, AI, Robotics and High-Tech

Now, we are getting into The Heavy artillery. 

I. Guided Bombs

II. Spacecraft

III. NGAD, Next Generation Air Dominance

IV. Drones

V. Nukes

Here is our first data dump (the first of many)

We are starting with missiles.

There is no one website where you can research how many missiles were made per SKU (product), but the average number I see is about 4,000 manufactured units per missile design. This is an abbreviated list because I want to have good conservative numbers.

Short list of missiles. 128, but the actual number is closer to 300, so we will split the difference and use 214.

  1. ADR-10 Raytheon
  2. ADR-11
  3. ADR-12
  4. ADR-7 Raytheon
  5. ADR-8 Revere (Tracor)
  6. ADR-9 Tracor
  7. ADM-144
  8. ADM-20 McDonnell
  9. ADM-160 Northrop Grumman (Teledyne Ryan) MALD
  10. ADM-20 Quail McDonnell
  11. ADM-141 TALD IMI (Brunswick)
  12. ADM-2 Genie Douglas AIR
  13. ADM-69 SRAM Boeing
  14. ADM-80 Viper Chrysler
  15. ADM-97 Seekbat General Dynamics
  16. ADM-98 R-Tern Teledyne Ryan
  17. AGM-12 Bullpup Martin
  18. AGM-119 Penguin Kongsberg
  19. AGM-120 AMRAAM Raytheon (Hughes)
  20. AGM-121 Pave Tiger/Seek Spinner Boeing CQM/CGM
  21. AGM-122 Sidearm Motorola
  22. AGM-123 Skipper II Emerson Electric
  23. AGM-124 Wasp Hughes
  24. AGM-129 ACM Raytheon (General Dynamics)
  25. AGM-132 ASRAAM MBDA (BAe Dynamics/Matra)
  26. AGM-133 Trident II Lockheed Martin
  27. AGM-134 Midgetman Martin Marietta
  28. AGM-135 ASAT Vought ASM
  29. AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow Northrop
  30. AGM-137 TSSAM Northrop
  31. AGM-138 Pave Cricket Boeing CEM
  32. AGM-139 Have Nap Rafael/Lockheed Martin
  33. AGM-140 ATACMS Lockheed Martin (LTV)
  34. AGM-142 Have Nap Rafael/Lockheed Martin
  35. AGM-143 RPVT ADM
  36. AGM-146 ADATS Oerlikon/Lockheed Martin MIM
  37. AGM-147 Exdrone BAI Aerosystems BQM
  38. AGM-148 Javelin Raytheon/Lockheed Martin
  39. AGM-149 UAV-SR / McDonnell Douglas Sky Owl PQM
  40. AGM-15 Roland Euromissile/Hughes/Boeing MIM
  41. AGM-150 UAV-SR PQM
  42. AGM-152 AAAM AIM
  43. AGM-153 AIM
  44. AGM-154 JSOW Raytheon (Texas Instruments)
  45. AGM-158 JASSM Lockheed Martin
  46. AGM-159 JASSM Boeing (McDonnell Douglas)
  47. AGM-16 Atlas General Dynamics (Convair) CGM/HGM
  48. AGM-160 Outlaw Griffon Aerospace MQM
  49. AGM-161 Griffin Raytheon
  50. AGM-162 Firebolt Teledyne Ryan AQM
  51. AGM-163 Coyote Orbital Sciences GQM
  52. AGM-164 ATACMS II Lockheed Martin MGM
  53. AGM-165 LASM Raytheon RGM
  54. AGM-166 LOSAT/KEM Lockheed Martin
  55. AGM-167 Skeeter Composite Engineering BQM
  56. AGM-168 ATACMS Block IVA Lockheed Martin
  57. AGM-169 JCM Lockheed Martin
  58. AGM-17 Standard ARM General Dynamics
  59. AGM-170 Outlaw Griffon Aerospace MQM
  60. AGM-171 Broadsword Griffon Aerospace MQM
  61. AGM-172 SRAW Lockheed Martin FGM
  62. AGM-176 Griffin Raytheon AGM/BGM
  63. AGM-177 Composite Engineering BQM
  64. AIM-1 Matador Martin MGM
  65. AIM-100
  66. AIM-101
  67. AIM-2 Terrier General Dynamics (Convair) RIM
  68. AIM-23 Hawk Raytheon MIM
  69. AIM-26 Falcon Hughes
  70. AIM-27 Sparrow Raytheon AIM/RIM
  71. AIM-28 Hound Dog North American
  72. AIM-3 Falcon Hughes
  73. AIM-32 Entac Aérospatiale (Nord) MGM
  74. AIM-4 Falcon Hughes
  75. AIM-47 Falcon Hughes
  76. AIM-5 Corporal JPL/Firestone MGM
  77. AIM-54 Phoenix Raytheon (Hughes)
  78. AIM-6 Falcon Hughes
  79. AIM-65 Maverick Raytheon (General Dynamics)
  80. AIM-68 Big Q Air Force Weapons Lab
  81. AIM-7 Sparrow Raytheon AIM/RIM
  82. AIM-8 Talos Bendix RIM
  83. AIM-9 Sidewinder Raytheon (Philco/G.E.)
  84. AIM-92 Raytheon (General Dynamics) FIM
  85. AIM-95 Agile Hughes
  86. AIM-96 Trident I Lockheed
  87. AIM-97 Seekbat General Dynamics
  88. AIM-98 R-Tern Teledyne Ryan
  89. AIM-99 LIM
  90. AIM-ASAT Martin Marietta AGM
  91. AQM-105
  92. AQM-106 Teleplane USAF FDL BQM
  93. AQM-107 Streaker Raytheon (Beech) MQM
  94. AQM-11 Jupiter Chrysler
  95. AQM-111 Firebrand Teledyne Ryan BQM
  96. AQM-113
  97. AQM-114 Skipper
  98. AQM-115 SLAT Martin Marietta AQM
  99. AQM-116
  100. AQM-117 Firefly Teledyne Ryan
  101. AQM-118
  102. AQM-119
  103. AQM-120 AMRAAM Raytheon (Hughes)
  104. AQM-121 Firebolt Teledyne Ryan
  105. AQM-122 Cardinal Beech
  106. AQM-123 Bulldog Texas Instruments
  107. AQM-127 Walleye Martin Marietta AGM
  108. AQM-128
  109. AQM-13
  110. AQM-130 Minuteman ERCS Boeing LEM
  111. AQM-132
  112. AQM-133
  113. AQM-134 Shrike Texas Instruments AGM
  114. AQM-135 Bulldog Texas Instruments AGM
  115. AQM-136
  116. AQM-137
  117. AQM-138 Firebee Teledyne Ryan
  118. AQM-139 AIM
  119. AQM-140
  120. AQM-141 Petrel Fairchild
  121. AQM-143 RPVT ADM
  122. AQM-144 Firefly Teledyne Ryan
  123. AQM-145 Peregrine Teledyne Ryan BQM
  124. AQM-146 TOW Raytheon (Hughes)
  125. AQM-147
  126. AQM-148 B-Gull Boeing GQM
  127. AQM-149 UAV-SR / McDonnell Douglas Sky Owl PQM
  128. AQM-150 UAV-SR PQM
  129. AQM-151 Pointer AeroVironment